It’s the first day of work for the New Year. Scott is struggling with how to let his staff know that he might be closing down the business. Amanda shares the good news that a potential client has expressed interest in working with them. However, there is only one problem…Dave is on a drunken bender nursing his broken heart after Amanda slept with him at the Company Christmas party and they will have to work through their personal issues in order to move forward with the client.


The Production Team gathers in the conference room to discuss the new project, a soda company called Love Bubbles, co-founded by Lance and Bruce Bumbernickle, two enterprising, one with Special Needs. Sam tries to keep the peace as Amanda and Dave clash about the creative direction for the commercial, allowing their personal life to spill into their work environment. Scott meets Ahmed, the maintenance guy, who inadvertently joins the creative team.

White People Problems

Dave brings in a new writer named Latisha in order to replace Amanda, but Scott refuses to hire her. Dave suspects that Scott is a racist. Meanwhile, Fran flirts with the deliveryman and messes up the schedule, causing Scott to have a meltdown in front of his new clients, where he blurts out some insensitive remarks that take the phrase “politically incorrect” to a new level, adding to the already rising suspicion that he is indeed a racist.